Sofie Benoot

Sofie Benoot (Bruges, 1985) lives and works in Brussels. Her films are patchworks of different stories, carefully assembled to reveal hidden connections. Fronterismo (2007), Blue Meridian (2010) and Desert Haze (2014) played at internationally renowned film festivals such as Visions du Réel (Switzerland), Camden International Film Festival (USA), Torino Film Festival (Italy), Doclisboa (Portugal) and BAFICI (Argentina). Benoot teaches in the master's programme and Doc Nomads at LUCA School of Arts in Brussels. Together with Liesbeth De Ceulaer and Isabelle Tollenaere, she directed Victoria (2020), which premiered at the Berlin Film Festival in the Forum programme and won the Caligari Prize. Apple Cider Vinegar (2024) will premiere at Vision du Réel (Switzerland).

A fictitious nature documentary narrator takes the viewer on a journey meeting Palestinian stone masons, passionate British geologists and people living on the lava fields of Fogo.​ A hypnotic essay film asking urgent ecological questions.

Not far from Los Angeles lies the unfinished desert city of California City. A 25-year-old Lashay T. Warren attempts to build a new life there. A visual rummage through the dusty streets that Lashay playfully describes.

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